News and Updates

Practical Considerations In Implementing Enterprise Risk Management In An Organization

Once an organization decides to go for Enterprise Risk Management, the challenge is the implementation. At the ground level there are lots of considerations in successful implementation of the same. These considerations vary with the organizations; however the following more or less remain the same: ERM Champion: First and foremost,...


Risk Management: A step towards consolidating Phase 1 & 2 Efforts to Systems Strengthening in Risk Management

Early in the year, the IRMG rolled out the Risk Management Training across 7 regions in the country targeting Risk Management Focal Persons (April – May, 2023). To conclude this activity, another specialized half day training for the IRMG Member Organization CDs & EDs was carried out on 1st June...


Instituting Compliance in an Organization

Risk and compliance forms part of the 2 nd line of defense mechanisms of an organization’s controls system (COSO Framework). It complements other lines of defense in an organization including external audit and regulators. Most organizations have instituted a Risk and Compliance function to manage risks, ensure effectiveness of internal...